- There is no classification
- Contact:孙欧阳
- Phone:0519-69872777
- fax:0519-69872766
Company Name: |
Jiangsu Chinasoft Information Technology Co., Ltd. |
Company type: |
个体经营 (制造商,服务商) |
area: |
Jiangsu/Changzhou City |
Company Size: |
50-99人 |
Registered capital: |
50000000000人民币 |
Registration year: |
2014 |
Data certification: |
security deposit: |
Already paid ¥0.00 元 |
Business model: |
制造商,服务商 |
Business Scope: |
General business items: Network technology services: software and computer technology development, technology consulting, technology service transfer, technology maintenance and sales: Electronic technology development and consulting services: design and construction of computer network projects: self-operation and agency for various commodities and The import and export business of technology, except for merchants and technologies that are restricted by the state or whose import and export are prohibited. |
Sales Products: |
即客,微信支付,移动支付,微信朋友圈广告 |
major business: |